quarta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2010

Perdendo medidas? Sera o Celsius?

Observando a magreza recente de Katie Holmes publicada , o povo especulou e descobriu um dos possíveis truques da atriz para perder os extra-weight. Já ouviram falar em Celsius? Pois é. Trata-se de um refrigerante que, com sua composição, não só é caloria zero como faz você perder 70 delas em cada garrafinha tomada. Gostou?
Um site entendido na tal bebidinha, publicou os detalhes e reviews de quem já experimentou. Confira:
Cost: $ $1.99 Cost Per Ounce: $0.17Active Ingredients: Taurine, Guarana, Caffeine, Thermogenics stuffTaste Rating: 8Kick Rating: 9.3Final Judgment Rating: 8.7
Celsius Energy Drink Review: TasteThe Celsius drink comes in three flavors, cola, ginger ale and lemon lime. I tried the Cola Celsius drink. And you know what it tasted like any other diet cola out there. There was no medicinal aftertaste at all. The 12 ounce bottle and package where quite unique and it actually seems to complement the decent flavorof the Celsius energy drink. Although most people do not think of a cola when they think of energy drinks I believe this could fill a new gap for the people that like diet cola but want more energy. For those who don’t particularly like the diet cola taste the lemon lime sounds like more of an energy drink. I will give the Celsius cola drink an average 8.
Celsius Energy Drink Review: Final JudgmentAs of right now this drink is relatively hard to get. I found it online but I suspect it will eventually be in vitamin stores since it is a fat burner. The cola drink tasted alright and I received a delayed but noticeable kick. The fact is I believe this is more of a fat burner than an energy beverage. It would be perfect for those people who are addicted to drinking diet soda and who want to lose some extra weight. It is actually clinically proven to increase your metabolism by 12%. Final judgment is an healthy 8.7.

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